MiniProfiler for .NET Documentation Go to the repo


If you’d rather learn by example, sample apps are available. The ASP.NET Core sample is here, with the important bits in Startup.cs.

Installation and Configuration

  • Install the NuGet Package: MiniProfiler.AspNetCore.Mvc
    • Either use the NuGet UI to install MiniProfiler.AspNetCore.Mvc (which has all needed dependencies)
    • Or use the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package MiniProfiler.AspNetCore.Mvc -IncludePrerelease
  • Edit your Startup.cs to add the middleware and configure options:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // ...existing configuration...

    // Note .AddMiniProfiler() returns a IMiniProfilerBuilder for easy intellisense
    services.AddMiniProfiler(options =>
        // All of this is optional. You can simply call .AddMiniProfiler() for all defaults

        // (Optional) Path to use for profiler URLs, default is /mini-profiler-resources
        options.RouteBasePath = "/profiler";

        // (Optional) Control storage
        // (default is 30 minutes in MemoryCacheStorage)
        // Note: MiniProfiler will not work if a SizeLimit is set on MemoryCache!
        //   See: for details
        (options.Storage as MemoryCacheStorage).CacheDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);

        // (Optional) Control which SQL formatter to use, InlineFormatter is the default
        options.SqlFormatter = new StackExchange.Profiling.SqlFormatters.InlineFormatter();

        // (Optional) To control authorization, you can use the Func<HttpRequest, bool> options:
        // (default is everyone can access profilers)
        options.ResultsAuthorize = request => MyGetUserFunction(request).CanSeeMiniProfiler;
        options.ResultsListAuthorize = request => MyGetUserFunction(request).CanSeeMiniProfiler;
        // Or, there are async versions available:
        options.ResultsAuthorizeAsync = async request => (await MyGetUserFunctionAsync(request)).CanSeeMiniProfiler;
        options.ResultsListAuthorizeAsync = async request => (await MyGetUserFunctionAsync(request)).CanSeeMiniProfilerLists;

        // (Optional)  To control which requests are profiled, use the Func<HttpRequest, bool> option:
        // (default is everything should be profiled)
        options.ShouldProfile = request => MyShouldThisBeProfiledFunction(request);

        // (Optional) Profiles are stored under a user ID, function to get it:
        // (default is null, since above methods don't use it by default)
        options.UserIdProvider =  request => MyGetUserIdFunction(request);

        // (Optional) Swap out the entire profiler provider, if you want
        // (default handles async and works fine for almost all applications)
        options.ProfilerProvider = new MyProfilerProvider();

        // (Optional) You can disable "Connection Open()", "Connection Close()" (and async variant) tracking.
        // (defaults to true, and connection opening/closing is tracked)
        options.TrackConnectionOpenClose = true;

        // (Optional) Use something other than the "light" color scheme.
        // (defaults to "light")
        options.ColorScheme = StackExchange.Profiling.ColorScheme.Auto;
        // Optionally change the number of decimal places shown for millisecond timings.
        // (defaults to 2)
        options.PopupDecimalPlaces = 1;

        // The below are newer options, available in .NET Core 3.0 and above:

        // (Optional) You can disable MVC filter profiling
        // (defaults to true, and filters are profiled)
        options.EnableMvcFilterProfiling = true;
        // ...or only save filters that take over a certain millisecond duration (including their children)
        // (defaults to null, and all filters are profiled)
        // options.MvcFilterMinimumSaveMs = 1.0m;

        // (Optional) You can disable MVC view profiling
        // (defaults to true, and views are profiled)
        options.EnableMvcViewProfiling = true;
        // ...or only save views that take over a certain millisecond duration (including their children)
        // (defaults to null, and all views are profiled)
        // options.MvcViewMinimumSaveMs = 1.0m;
        // (Optional) listen to any errors that occur within MiniProfiler itself
        // options.OnInternalError = e => MyExceptionLogger(e);

        // (Optional - not recommended) You can enable a heavy debug mode with stacks and tooltips when using memory storage
        // It has a lot of overhead vs. normal profiling and should only be used with that in mind
        // (defaults to false, debug/heavy mode is off)
        //options.EnableDebugMode = true;
  • Configure MiniProfiler with the options you want:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, IMemoryCache cache)
    // ...existing configuration...

    // The call to app.UseMiniProfiler must come before the call to app.UseMvc
    app.UseMvc(routes =>
        // ...
  • Add Tag Helpers in _ViewImports.cshtml:
@using StackExchange.Profiling
@addTagHelper *, MiniProfiler.AspNetCore.Mvc
  • Add MiniProfiler to your view layout (Shared/_Layout.cshtml by default):
<mini-profiler />

Note: <mini-profiler> has many options like max-traces, position, color-scheme, nonce, etc. You can find them in code here. Note #2: The above tag helper registration may go away in future versions of ASP.NET Core, they’re working on smoother alternatives here.


Now you’re ready to profile. In addition to the usual using wrap method for profiling sections of code, ASP.NET Core includes a tag helper you can use in views like this:

<profile name="My Profiling Step via a <profile> Tag">
    @{ SomethingExpensive(); }
    <span>Hello Mars!</span>


There are 2 user endpoints for MiniProfiler. The root is determined by MiniProfilerOptions.RouteBasePath (defaults to /mini-profiler-resources, but can be changed):

  • /<base>/results-index: A list of recent profilers, authorization required via .ResultsAuthorize (or .ResultsAuthorizeAsync) and .ResultsListAuthorize (or .ResultsListAuthorizeAsync)
  • /<base>/results: Views either the very last profiler for the current user or a specific profiler via ?id={guid}, authorization required via .ResultsAuthorize (or .ResultsAuthorizeAsync)